The Little Way helped to establish the Little Way Sisters of St Therese in Myanmar (Burma).

Poor sanitation has a big impact on public health. With no toilet facilities at Wong in Ethiopia people use the streets or plastic bags.

Our Work: Preparing Dinner in Myanmar

The Little Way helped to establish the Little Way Sisters of St Therese in Myanmar (Burma). The Sisters live in small convents, usually of 4 or 5, often in quite isolated villages, giving Christian witness by lives of service and prayer. They are usually trained as teachers or nurses to enable them to be of  benefit to the local community in which they live and serve.

Franciscan Sisters are looking after 75 AIDS affected children in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Sr Margaret McDermott writes that: "your funds enabled us to continue feeding ...

If you wish you can donate funds to help build a small chapel in the developing world. St. Therese, our patroness, wished to spread the Gospel throughout the world "until the end of time". We receive many requests for help from local bishops and priests ...

No family can flourish without a proper home, yet millions live in shanty towns, or makeshift huts made of cardboard boxes and plastic sheeting. Many people are homeless ...

The Claretian Missionaries received a donation from the Little Way to help them with their work with families affected by HIV. Each month food supplies are provided ...

The Comboni Sisters were expelled from South Kordofan in the Sudan for a time during the war years but have recently returned to help re-start schools and provide basic health care.

Sister Raphaela writes from The Little Flower Orphanage in Bangladesh: "We are working among the under-privileged and marginalized ...

The Consolata Sisters are working with some of the poorest people in Ethiopia. Drought and war have caused famine and destitution for thousands.

Your donations are helping people at The Zimbabwe Self Reliance Leprosy Centre

Fr. Andrew Lukhale, a Consolata Father in the Congo, writes: "We have only one nurse attending to more than 10,000 people and I am grateful for the help you gave ...

The Sisters of St. Clare (Peru) write: "Thank you immensely for the Little Way donations for our soup kitchen. We are currently helping 48 people - abandoned mothers, children and the elderly.

Many people in developing countries do not have access to safe, fresh water. Digging wells for communities is an important part of our work, particularly in drought ...

Hundreds of thousands of people have lost everything following Nepal's devastating earthquake. We are sending funds to those in need through the Salesians of Don Bosco.

Drought due to unreliable rainfall is a constantly recurring problem in Tanzania. When the rains don't come, the crops wither and die.

In parts of Europe the Roma are the victims of extreme violence, hatred and racism. A number of Catholic religious orders, aided by donations from the Little Way, are working

Help for the Roma - Slovak Republic and Hungary

Sanitation project - Ethiopia

Preparing dinner in Myanmar

AIDS affected children - South Africa

Mission chapels

Homes for the poor

Leprosy Clinic - Sudan

Mission chapels
Homes for poor
HIV India
Leprosy Sudan
Tanzania food shortage
Nepal earthquake
Wells India
Dispensary Congo
Leprosy Zimbabwe
Kindergarten Ethiopia
Orphanage Bangladesh
Slovak Republic Roma
Dinner Myanmar
Aids South Africa


Health & education



Emergency aid & disasters

Orphanage - Bangladesh

Kindergarten - Ethiopia

Treating leprosy - Zimbabve

Drought and food shortage - Tanzania

Earthquake Relief in Nepal

Soup kitchen - Peru

Feeding Programme and Dispensary - Congo

Digging Wells - India

Help for HIV sufferers- India

Other Little Way Projects...


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Your donation enables us to continue feeding poor children in our local squatter camps- Sister Magdalen, South Africa

 “I need not explain how much your grant has meant to us here in Thailand. Dealing with teenagers with HIV is a great challenge for the Centre and the staff who are caring for them.

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Saint Therese